Monday, 2 April 2012


So what did we do today?  Let me start at the beginning....  When we decided to move to an island in the Carribean almost 1/6 th the size of Cape Town I had the idea to home school our girls.  As I would not be allowed to work I thought I would take the kids education into my own hands!  Best idea ever!  I would sit and plan each week with extra worksheets ensuring that the girls were given sufficient practise and I have been bursting with pride when they remember what they have learnt or use their knowledge!  However I always knew that there was one little challenge to overcome.... the official application to the Dept. of Education to home school.  I had time.  I couldn't apply until the work permit for my hubby had been approved and so I continued.  Then the work permit was ready and I put my application in and waited for a call.  Nothing. I called and left messages.  Nothing.  I called again and again until one day early in the morning I received a call!  Yippee!  I need to meet with the permanent secretary to discuss the application.  Great! The day arrived and off I went, ensuring I was wearing the appropriate clothing to a government department (no stringy shirts, sleeves and long trousers).  What a lovely meeting and yes they will approve my application!  They could see I had a good schedule and that I had activites (ballet, swimming & violin) for the girls and extra tutoring once a week for English & Maths!  Praise the Lord.  How easy was that!  I would receive my letter and apply for the visa - everything was on track!

Today I still don't have the letter and our visas expire on Thursday.  I thought I would go ahead and I headed off the Dept. of Education  to get the girls visa forms stamped, I thought well surely they can check and see that the letter is on its way....... no.....sigh........  I have to now go back on Wednesday!  They don't have a record of a letter or my interview taking place and sorry the permanent secretary is in a meeting and they will have to come back to me! Or I can get back to them tomorrow afternoon if I have not heard from them.  Guess it is to be continued....

Oh yes and don't even get me started on when we are supposed to be moving..... that is for another day!

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