So this is it! The first of my ramblings about where we are, what we are doing and the Love, Life & experiences that go along with it! First a bit more about us! We currently live in Barbados, yes I say "currently" as we have lived in a few places, most recent Northern Ireland the complete opposite (weather wise) of Barbados! My husband works in hospitality and so did I until a year ago when I decided enough was enough and that my place was at home. After attending a village school in NI we decided that as we were moving to an island, home schooling was a great idea! This is one of the many experiences I am sure I will chat about on here! Another will be the Life of an expat living in Barbados or where ever we may be! And Love? Well that is the Love we have as a family, the love of new experiences, the love of God whithout whom we would not be here and the love of Italy we share. Yes deep down inside I am Italian, not in my bloodline and not in language (I don't speak Italian) but in my imagination I am an Italian Momma who takes care of her brood and cooks up a storm in the kitchen! All these things will appear in this blog for sure. So what did we do today?
Today the girls and I had a PJ Day! We love these days where we laze around and don't venture anywhere outside, hiding in the coolness inside with the TV on watching reruns of NCIS, Pretty Woman and anything that catches our fancy! I sit and watch the girls make recordings of themselves singing various songs and squealing (my youngest could break wine glasses with that squeal) with delight and watching themselves over and over! We eat bread rolls stuffed with BBQ crips for lunch and our favourite Easter mini eggs follow. Tomorrow is another day and one where I promise myself to use much more energy, eat healthily and have more fun! Happy Saturday everyone!
P.S. Welchman Gully Hall, where we spent all our energy yesterday!
Great post Trisha, and wonderful to see you in the blogasphere! xx